
Create your own classifier method

If you want to experiment with new algorithms to grow a region, you only need to write your own class which extends the Classifier abstract class and implement methods fit(), predict().

Then, depeding if you want to generate the polygon using and aproximate area or not, you have to incorporate a tag to instanciate this classifier for region grow execution. If you want to use the area fill the function ** grow_balanced_region() ** with a new case. For instance:

def grow_balanced_region(
    classifier_tag: str,
    pixels_indexes: np.ndarray,
    pixels_df: pd.DataFrame,
    img_array: np.ndarray,
    raster_path: str,
    polygon_area: float,
    steps: int = 4,
    if classifier_tag == "EDR":
        pixels_selected, created_polygon = grow_edr_region(
    # .....
    elif classifier_tag == "<YOUR_NEW_ALGO>":
        pixels_selected, created_polygon = grow_new_algo_region()

Finally use the new tag when you call the execute_with_area(classifier_tag=”<YOUR_NEW_ALGO>”) function


This process will use the region grow class to create the polygon locally. If you want use a global method please override the region grow class and check_hood() function

On the other hand, if you want to create the polygon without knowing an aproximate area, you only need to add the tag to the selected_classifier() function and use it when calling the execute() function