region_grow.region_grow module

region_grow.region_grow.archivo_cargar(files: list)

Allows you to select the file to be loaded


files (list) – Tuple with the type of file and its extension


route – Absolute path of the file to be loaded

Return type


region_grow.region_grow.archivo_guardar(files: list)

Allows you to select the file to be saved


files (list) – Tuple with the type of file and its extension


route – Absolute path of the new file to be generated

Return type


region_grow.region_grow.execute(points_path: str, raster_path: str, shape_path: str, classifier_tag: str = 'ED')

Execute the process to compute the growth of the region

  • points_path (str) – Path to the .csv file with the coordinates of the points

  • raster_path (str) – Path to .tif file with raster information

  • shape_path (str) – Path to save the .shp file with the polygons

  • classifier_tag (str) – Type of classifier to be used in the process

region_grow.region_grow.execute_with_area(points_path: str, raster_path: str, shape_path: str, classifier_tag: str = 'BD', steps: int = 4)

Execute the process to compute the growth of the region by knowing the approximate area of the polygon that is going to generate.

  • points_path (str) – Path to the .csv file with the coordinates of the points

  • raster_path (str) – Path to .tif file with raster information

  • shape_path (str) – Path to save the .shp file with the polygons

  • classifier_tag (str) – Type of classifier to be used in the process

  • steps (int) – Maximum number of iterations that the algorithm will perform for calculate a polygon with the smallest difference between given approximate value and the calculated